MEYSPRING Artist of the Month - September 2022
Congrats, Karen Hammond Art!
When whimsical resin seascapes with unique bases, lovely textures, and fun color schemes are at play, we’re bound to think of Karen Hammond of @karenhammondart! She is a Michigan-based resin artist that has paved the way and inspired many beginners over the last 6 years by sharing her process videos across all major platforms with a friendly and encouraging demeanor.

Meet the Artist
We’ve got the latest scoop about Karen, her artistic journey, inspirations, and recommendations for beginner resin artists! Read on to learn about this extraordinary artist and see a few of her beautiful seascapes!
Karen, tell us more about yourself!
Besides working on my art, I love spending time at the beach, in my flower gardens, and doing many other outdoor activities; it’s the best for inspiration and recharging! I also cherish the time spent with my family and my dogs.
I’ve been in Michigan all my life, but I enjoy traveling when I get the chance.
How long have you been working with resin?
I have been working with resin for about 6 years.
What makes/made you choose MEYSPRING pigments?
I love the brilliance and shimmer you get from MEYSPRING’s pigments and the amazing color choices, which really hold their actual original hue in resin!
What is your favorite pigment color or color scheme?
I love blues and greens the most, of course, with which I create my beach waters. However, I take great pleasure in seeing how different colors go together, so I’m fond of trying MEYSPRING colors in various combinations.
Where do you find your inspiration or motivation?
I get most of my inspiration from my surroundings. I don’t have to travel far in any direction in Michigan to find beautiful inspirational waterfront places.
How much time do you dedicate to your resin art?
It varies depending on other factors in my life. But, typically, I will work 50+ hours a week on my art.
What are your goals for your artistic journey?
My goals are to continuously work on improving all aspects of my artwork. I’m always thinking of ways to enhance areas from creating, marketing, and shipping to everything in between.
What is the most significant "Aha moment" you've had while creating resin pieces?
One of my most significant moments creating with resin was when I first tried it and saw how much I enjoyed working with it. I loved its fantastic outcome and satisfying process.
What advice, tips, or tricks would you like to share with aspiring resin artists?
I would say to anyone starting to work with resin to have patience and keep at it. It can sometimes be challenging, but I have learned to take the good and the bad in stride and know that it is a continuous learning process.
Congratulations again to Karen on winning MEYSPRING Artist of the Month - September 2022!
To see more of Karen’s work, check out the following pages:
Instagram: @karenhammondart
Facebook: Karen Hammond Art
Pinterest: @karenhammondart
TikTok: @karenhammondart
Youtube: karenhammondart
Would you like to be featured as MEYSPRING’s Artist of the Month? Tag us @meyspring or use #MeyspringPigments on Instagram (min. 3 posts are required) to be entered. The winners will be announced via MEYSPRING’s Instagram Feed and featured across our social media pages! They will also receive a $100 Gift Card from
1 comment
Karen does beautiful work and enjoy looking at all of her work