MEYSPRING Artist of the Month - October 2022
Congrats, Rosie from Brushed Restorations!
Functional decor is the game's name for Rosie Kaplan of @BrushedRestorations, MEYSPRING’s Artist of the Month winner! This DIY queen does just about everything that involves mixed media art, and she does it beautifully! Resin geodes, seascapes, trays, wall decor, and turning ordinary furniture into works of art are just some of the notches on her belt!

Meet the Artist
Continue reading and get to know Rosie, learn her helpful tips on working with resin, and see highlights of her DIY masterpieces created with MEYSPRING Pigments!
Tell us more about yourself!
I am a mom of four kids, which keeps me super busy. Being a mom will always be my number one job, but having my creative outlet is also essential. I’ve always loved creating, but it wasn't until three years ago that I really dove into it and started my business. Everything I’ve learned about resin, art, and redoing furniture has been self-taught.
How long have you been working with resin?
A little over 3 years. It started basically pouring a clear coat over table tops that I had done a fluid paint pour on. From there, it just grew into so much more!
What makes/made you choose MEYSPRING pigments?
I noticed that all the people I followed that did beautiful things with resin always mentioned that they used MEYSPRING. So I knew I had to try it!
I started with a few colors to make ocean boards, and it was clear after the first time I used them why they were so highly talked about. The powders are highly pigmented and beautiful!
What is your favorite pigment color and/or color scheme?
Hands down, MEYSPRING has the most beautiful blues! It’s hard to pick a favorite because they’re all stunning!
Where do you find your inspiration and/or motivation?
I pull inspiration from so many places! However, nature is my primary inspiration, especially when it comes to color schemes.
How much time do you dedicate to your resin art?
It can vary so much. There are weeks when I don't get much time to work having four kiddos. Although, if I go more than a day without working, I start getting antsy to create. Then, there are times when I work every day of the week!
I feel so lucky that I have the ability to have such a flexible schedule. I think I would work 24/7 if I attempted to try all the ideas that came into my head; it’s crazy how much I want to try but just don't have the time!
What are your goals for your artistic journey?
I love learning and trying new mediums and techniques and hope to keep taking on big projects that take me out of my comfort zone. I would also love to see a collection/series of my art pieces in a building like a hotel.
What is the most significant "Aha moment" you've had in your creative journey?
One time I was mixing part A and part B, and the resin suddenly started smoking! I got so scared, and I wasn't sure what to do! Luckily, nothing happened, but I have ensured that I always take safety precautions seriously when working with resin since then.
Any advice, tips, or tricks to share with aspiring resin artists?
You will learn the most by DOING! You can watch video upon video, but when it comes to resin, your best way to learn is by physically working with resin and trying different techniques.
Understanding different factors that can cause resin not to cure properly is very important and will reduce waste. With that being said, YOU WILL WASTE RESIN! It may not turn out how you expect, even when you think you are doing everything right. So keep it simple when you start, have fun, and BE SAFE! Always wear PPE.
Congratulations again to Rosie on winning MEYSPRING Artist of the Month - October 2022!
To see more of Rosie’s work, check out the following pages:
Instagram: @brushedrestorations
Facebook: Brushed Restorations
Pinterest: Brushed Restorations by Rosie
TikTok: @brushedrestorations
Youtube: Brushed Restorations by Rosie
Would you like to be featured as MEYSPRING’s Artist of the Month? Tag us @meyspring or use #MeyspringPigments on Instagram (min. 3 posts are required) to be entered. The winners will be announced via MEYSPRING’s Instagram Feed and featured across our social media pages! They will also receive a $100 Gift Card from
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